Soul to Life

Slowing Down to Level Up with Molly Lawney | Magical Empowerment Spotlight

Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs, Molly Lawney Season 2 Episode 1

Soul to Life is back for Season 2!! In this Client Spotlight, I chat with energy worker, tarot reader, and spiritual doula Molly Lawney of Open Channels Reiki & Energy Healing. 

We talked all about Molly's Magical Empowerment coaching journey, including:

  • How she knew it was time to hire a coach as a new spiritual entrepreneur
  • Reclaiming her magic and awakening to the inner power she didn't know she had 
  • Her "shocking" introduction to psychic work with her spirit guides 
  • The inner work she resisted that ended up transforming her approach to parenting
  • The importance of support and encouragement when learning
  • Setting hard boundaries with a close family member, with unexpected results
  • Balancing her Capricorn and Pisces archetypes, and how slowing down her personal development process helped her level up (while enjoying more of life)

~* CURIOUS ABOUT MAGICAL EMPOWERMENT COACHING?  I work with highly sensitive and neurodivergent healers, artists, visionaries and sacred rebels who desire a deeper level of support for your life, work, and spiritual practice.

Through the subtle power of Magical Empowerment Coaching, you'll hone your psychic skills and  learn how to work with your spirit guides, while building deeper self-trust and connection with the whole of who you are. The result? You'll know how to work with your own unique energy and process so you can live in alignment with who you are and what matters to you.

It's time for you to start feeling magical ~ cause you are! Let's get you clear on where you're wanting to grow next and how coaching can resource you for the journey. Book a free 30 min chat with me at or just send me an email to find out more (stephanie @

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Soul to Life is created and produced by Stephanie Elizabeth . Our theme song is “Pleiades” by Starry Eyes.

Stephanie Briggs  
Hey friends, Stephanie here. Thank you so much for tuning in. I am delighted today to introduce you to Molly Lawney. Hey, Molly. 

Molly Lawney  

Stephanie Briggs  
I had the absolute pleasure of coaching Molly actually, over the winter, we worked together for about three months. And I am so excited to have you share Molly, about yourself and a little of your story, what you do and the amazing work that you did and the amazing results you created. So to start with, I would love to have you just give us a brief intro to you and what you're all about.

Molly Lawney  
So, I started working with Stephanie, for a couple of reasons. So I had done a couple of Akashic readings with her. And they were really awesome. And I learned a lot about myself and my children. And I also am an energy worker, I don't love the word healer, because I think it's a little too outcomes based. So still still working on the language for what I do. But so I had opened up a business last summer, and was still kind of trying to find my confidence, both as someone in the healing arts and doing energy work as well as just sort of reclaiming my own spirituality and my own power in a lot of ways. So I just needed that I knew I needed some support around that, which is sort of how I ended up with you. And I'm so glad that I did because I think that our journey together, when I look back at it, it's one of those things where I think it's so easy to discredit magic and like magical happenings and just write them off as coincidence. But then when I look back at like the timeline of our work together, and sort of what happened during that time, it's very obvious to me that a lot really transpired and a lot of growth happened during the few months that we work together. 

Molly Lawney  
So I probably jumped ahead a few questions. But me in a nutshell is energy worker, slash tarot readers lash sort of spiritual doula. And I have two kiddos, ages nine and four, who just challenged me every day to rediscover what it means to be my best self. And I live in Vermont. I think that's, that's most of the detail.

Stephanie Briggs  
Yeah, thank you for that, you know, I just have to say I'm not a mom, but like, it's been so inspiring to me just to witness you going through your journey as a mom and really wanting to parent from your values, but also taking care of yourself. And I just think that's so amazing and important. So thank you,

Molly Lawney  
thank you. I do think that, you know, I think I even told you at the beginning of working with you, like, I've been feeling this call to do some inner child child healing. And I just am resisting it so hard, and I don't want to do it. So like, we won't go there right now. And then, of course, by the end of our time together, we went there, not really purposefully, but it just sort of happened. And that experience of doing some of my intergenerational healing, had such a strong impact on myself as a parent and my approach to parenting. So it was almost like a second awakening. You know, like, I had my spiritual awakening. And it was like an awakening to who I am as a person and, and healing some of my own inner child stuff. So yeah, we did a lot in what, three, four months?

Stephanie Briggs  
We did do a lot. Well, you are a Capricorn. So that's true. Yeah, but yeah, so you I know you shared a little bit about what brought you to coaching? I know you mentioned you were just looking for support, what was it that made you decide like, Yes, I'm ready to do this. Now.

Molly Lawney  
It was definitely the readings with you. Because as you know, I was also going through some turmoil around my four year olds health, she had cancer as an infant. And so we're always doing all this follow up. And some things came up around that, that were a little bit scary. And some questions about her health and the Akashic reading that I did with you was so incredibly impactful and supportive during that time. And, you know, then later, when we started working together, she had that whole weird GI thing, you know, she was always just throwing new stuff at me just to keep me on my toes. And so I think having some support around that, but it's more than just like the usual emotional support that you would get from, say, a therapist or a friend. There was a deeper level to it and sort of a, you know, what is what is the greater meaning to this? And I always want to say, what's the lesson? and you're always going Molly there doesn't always have to be like, okay, like, what what am I supposed to do? there was not always an answer to that. 

Molly Lawney  
And so you are so great at like slowing me down and making me, you know, be here and not always thinking ahead to like what I need to learn to make karma, right in the world. Anyway, there's the Capricorn pressure, right, the weight of my shoulders. So I think that the fact that we were working together during some of that sort of tumultuous emotional time for me, some of the somatic work that we did together and things like that were really just very grounding for me. And I was able to kind of look bigger picture and settle more in a way that I don't think I'm always capable of doing on my own. I'm certainly making improvements with that. But it's nice to have some support with that. 

Molly Lawney  
So I think that that's, that's really what brought me to you was just the impact of those Akashic readings and just being like, I want more, I want to know how I can access some of this on my own, of course, then, when we started that first session we had together when you were like, I think we like got into this, like, you know, spiritual space. And you were basically like, so. So what do you hear? What are you feeling? I'm like, wait a minute, aren't you supposed to tell me that? What are you doing asking me, and then all of a sudden was like, Oh, my God, now I had to do this myself. Which was exactly what I needed. Because you empowered me to be able to access some of this energy myself and to take back my own power, but very, like, right into the frying pan.

Stephanie Briggs  
Yeah, so great. So feeling the discomfort of being invited to step into your abilities as a magical human and feeling like, you know, wanting me to do it for you, but realizing like, wow, you actually could do it. And you it was like, super magical. Like, definitely like for me as well, i

Molly Lawney  
It was, there were a few moments. Yeah, it was one of these things where, like, again, I would look back and be like, I don't really think we did anything. And then I'd be like, oh, yeah, there was that time that I totally like, skipped ahead of you, you were about to tell me to receive this magical crown. And I'd already received it, and I felt a shockwave through my spine. And I was like, I yelled out. Like that was real. There's no connection. So yeah, it was it was quite the quite the experience. And I think, yeah, I don't think that I knew that I had that in me. And so I think that that was what was so powerful. And why, honestly, you know, we work together for a brief time, because you sent me on my way. And I just felt like I really was ready. And so like that, to me is the biggest sign of good coaching is like, I just felt like I yeah, like I was ready to move forward and that I could do some of this work on my own. So yeah, super impactful.

Stephanie Briggs  
Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah, so it sounds like you're surprised by the amount of skills that you actually had, when you went to actually tap into it.

Molly Lawney  
You know, growing up kind of discrediting, you know, as a as a child, I felt like, the world was very magical. And then, as I stepped into young adulthood, I dismissed it all and was like, this is a bunch of baloney. And I really embodied my Capricorn energy. And behind my rising, Pisces decided that everything had to be black and white and very clear cut. And I think part of that is that I mean, women especially because we often are the ones who go into this sort of spiritual work. We're not ever supported or taught that this stuff is even Okay, let alone that we have the power to do it. 

Molly Lawney  
And so I just, I've always been someone who thrives with a lot of encouragement. You know, my, my oldest daughter is the same way. She just had a teacher experience where that was not really the case. And so I'm always like, she needs this, like, higher level of support of just like, yes, you're doing a good job. Yes, you have the skills, you can do this, you might have to work a little harder. But, and that's what I need, when I'm learning a new skill is just someone to be like, you have this in you like, this is not some weird ability that people have to be born with, like you, you're you're already there. You just need to discover it. But nobody ever said that to me. And so until I met you, and so I think that that, that really was surprising to me, like, Oh, I thought you were gonna like, tell me what I needed to know and do everything for me. And you're like, Nope, it's time for you to do it. I'm like, Oh, okay. And it was awesome. And I'm still doing it. And that's what's so beautiful about this.

Stephanie Briggs  
I'm so proud of you. You didn't you really did beautiful, beautiful work. And it was so fun to watch. You kind of like getting your wand in hand like, oh shit, like I can do this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I know you mentioned a bit but like, what is it? Like what are you most proud to have overcome or like, have created through this process? You know, because so you called in the support that you knew that you needed, and then within that support, like you did the work. So tell us your accomplishments.

Molly Lawney  
such, there's so many things to say. So I have this really strong bond now with a couple of my spiritual guides that I knew how they were always there, I knew there was a connection and that I been called to work with them. But our work together really solidified that on a more like, almost physical sense. Like it was sort of very nebulous to me until we really did some specific exercises to call in those energies. And then I was like, now it's literally like, all I have to do is like, start a thought. And immediately what I'm asking for just manifests, it's like really kind of, kind of crazy. And so like that line of communication was opened up so much for me, which has been really awesome. 

Molly Lawney  
And then, I think, you know, I've always struggled with boundary setting and with, you know, stepping into my own power and having support in the process of of some really, really hard, hard boundary setting that I had to do with a with a close family member. You know, there's a lot of fear around how their reaction would be. And the reaction was not comfortable for me at all. But I just felt like going through that was also the most empowering thing I have ever done in my life. Like it was suddenly like, like, cutting a chain that had like, cannon ball on the end that had been dragging me down. And all of a sudden, like, and my, my relationship with this person is now much stronger for it. But it really led to some great things. 

Molly Lawney  
So it wasn't like I cut this person out of my life, it was just that something really needed to shift energetically and it has been. But I don't think that I would have had it in me or known that I had it in me if we hadn't been doing all of this together. And I can't even remember exactly like what happened along the way to get me there, which is the part that's like, so crazy to me. I'm like, what, like, it's not like we did a specific exercise to get me that it was just like, I just kept leveling up until I was here. And I was like, Oh, okay. So that's what I love about this work is that it? It snowballs, right? Like you work on one thing and all this other stuff just lines up magically, it's just, I don't know if it's this easy. It's been really awesome. Not that my life is easy. Trust me, I have my own. I'm very much a human. But yeah.

Stephanie Briggs  
As we all are, me included. Yeah, no, I mean, you know, everybody has their own process. And I think you were so ready to go. And and you were willing to step out of your comfort zone repeatedly, even when part of you was like, What the fuck? You went there anyway, you know? And then and then you were surprised, like by what you found. And so I think like as your coach, that's one thing I saw that especially contributed to the results that you've got, and it sounds like, you know, more than anything specific that you did, or experienced, it was just about like, changing your sense of your own power. And the agency that you have, in whatever circumstance, whether it's with your family, or in your business, or just with yourself or with your guides, or what have you, that you're fully capable of navigating whatever comes up. And you can have your own back. That's what I got from you.

Molly Lawney  
Yeah, no, absolutely. Yeah. No, that's a beautiful way of putting it.

Stephanie Briggs  
So I just celebrate you for your courage and your commitment. And yeah, so just to wrap up, is there anything else that feels important that you'd like to share about the experience,

Molly Lawney  
I think you have a really wonderful way of knowing when people need to slow down, and like, take a breath. Because that's a struggle for me. I really learned a lot about sort of taking my time with you. I'm someone who has never liked awkward silence, even if it's not awkward to the other person. I'm just like, if there's silence, I will feel it. And some of our conversations have had some silence in them. And it has been not uncomfortable or awkward at all. 

Molly Lawney  
It's been really like, it's almost like the magic between everything else, you know, they're just learning to slow down and integrate things and not feel like I have to like learn the lesson and fast forward through my entire life was just a fun unintended side effect of our work together. You have this presence about you that is very grounding. And I think that for someone like me who's often going a mile a minute, it's really hard for me to Yeah, to like settle into a focus. 

Molly Lawney  
I mean, we talked about, like you describe me as a spiral. And then I think guys that at one point that like, I figured out why I keep appearing as a spiral. And it's because I'm constantly spiraling, and then all of a sudden, at one point during our time together, and I think it was really when I realized how important it like, how nothing else, everything else pales in comparison to like the importance of my children being healthy, that like, all of a sudden, it was like you. And then I was there in the center of that storm and able to, like, get perspective on everything else. And that was really powerful, too. 

Molly Lawney  
So anyway, I digress. But yeah, I think having having that grounding, and I think, because you may have been through some of that yourself of like, having trouble focusing that you know, what you need, and you're able to, like, help other people with that, which is really powerful.

Stephanie Briggs  
Awesome, awesome. Yeah, it was so cool to see how you would just like landed, like in that clarity. Yeah. So cool. Well, thank you so much for for sharing so openly about your experience and your process and all of your kind words. 

Stephanie Briggs  
And before we go, I just wanted to invite you if you'd like to share, like how people can connect with you, and the amazing work that you do and your business and I know you're just had an open house and expanding, so you're gonna give us the links. Sure, yeah.

Molly Lawney  
So my business is called Open Channels Reiki and Energy Healing. So I offer two types of energy work. One is called Tong Ren, which I actually have it right here, I use an acupuncture model as sort of the energetic representation of the client's energy body. And using a magnetic hammer, we tap on specific points along the body that correspond with different symptoms or illnesses, systems of the body. Some of them line up with traditional Chinese medicine, and many of them are used in a more sort of like an anatomy and physiology based model. It just depends on what we're working on. But we basically remove energy blockages in the body and then follow up with Reiki to kind of calm the sensory and nervous system. And it's really, really impactful. I credit my four year olds permission from doing regular Tong Ren. I've seen people with extreme anemia bounce right back. COVID, long COVID symptoms disappear, like lots of different things, and I never will fully be able to explain what is happening. So I was like, magic. And it is it feels like magic. It doesn't always happen instantaneously. But sometimes it does. And the more open people are to it. And the more committed they are to the ongoing process and moving the energy, the more successful they tend to be. 

Molly Lawney  
And then I also offer tarot readings. So my website is I'm also on Instagram and on Facebook. And I think that mostly covers it. Yeah. And I'm Vermont based but I also do things virtually as well. Just like everyone else.

Stephanie Briggs  
Yeah, well, it's such an exciting time for you and expansion in your business. So for anyone who's tuning in, if you feel like you're resonating with Molly, definitely check out her stuff. 

Stephanie Briggs  
Thank you for for being willing to share.

Molly Lawney  
Thank you