Soul to Life

MOON MESSAGES Ep. 4 // New Moon in Taurus with Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs {May 11, 2021}

Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs

On this episode, we're unpacking the energies of the moment at this New Moon in Taurus (May 11, 2021 at 3:00 pm EDT) including:

  • The karmic and intergenerational influence of Moon trine to retrograde Pluto
  • Coming home to embodiment as shadow work with the help of asteroid Black Moon Lilith
  • Congruent embodiment as the healthy expression of Taurus
  • How we're culturally conditioned to oppose our selves, and suppress or hold conditions for the expression of our emotions
  • How emotional suppression happens in our bodies, and why it may be rooted in survival instincts 
  • Accepting that human life, incarnated in Earth bodies, is about feeling a range of sensations include pleasure and pain
  • Dealing with heightened pain levels as highly sensitive people, and finding balance from moment to moment
  • Chiron aspecting Mars and the South Node, healing impotence, unexpressed will, and the limiting beliefs that keep us stuck
  • Mercury joins the North Node in Gemini to inspire with the magic of multidimensionality, curiosity, collaboration, and improvisational living
    Vesta square South node, stewarding our bodies as holy, and serving others through embodied presence versus self=abandonment
  • Taking our place in community during the upcoming Eclipse season and  Mercury Rx in Gemini

TEXT TRANSCRIPT available at

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Featuring original song "Pleiades" by Starry Eyes

Created by Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs of Heart Blossom

*This is the final episode as Moon Messages 🦋 This podcast is reborn as Soul to Life on May 26, 2021. 

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Soul to Life is created and produced by Stephanie Elizabeth . Our theme song is “Pleiades” by Starry Eyes.