Soul to Life

Embodiment Artistry and the Healing Power of Storytelling with Lenny Langley

Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs and Lenny Langley Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode I talk with my sibling Lenny Langley, a queer writer, dancer, model, and performer based in LA. Our conversation explores Lenny's creative journey and how they're living the archetypes of Leo and Aquarius through their boundary-pushing embodiment artistry.  Lenny shares about their creative process, the healing power of storytelling, and how the pandemic unexpectedly catalyzed their artistic mission (along with a dramatic lifestyle change).

*Click here for the full text transcript of this episode along with show notes

You can tune in to Lenny's debut show "Sugar and Sh*t" on Livestream worldwide or in person at the Hudson Theatre in Los Angeles

SHOWTIMES: August 8, 21, 29 at 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm UK / 10pm EU
Info and tickets are available at:

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Soul to Life is created and produced by Stephanie Elizabeth . Our theme song is “Pleiades” by Starry Eyes.